Sunday, 16 September 2012

Pre melt pot fabrication and installation

Pre-Melt Pot Fabrication and Installation Edit

Pre melt Pot for melting Alluminium zinc. Under construction

End wall - side wall - Front and Back covers under construction



fabrication of a complete new 2TEC for Metal Coating line
to demolish the existing pot
to erect the new pot in line and coordinate with AJAX TOGO (AMERICA) to commission

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Previous projects include;

Previous projects include;
1.      Paper machine 3 Webuye paper mills(WEBUYE-RICHFIELD)
2.      Refinery tank &piping installation( ETHIOPIA- DEWETO)
3.      Paper converting lines (UNGA LTD- ELDORET)
4.      Corn grind increase project(CPC –ELDORET)
5.      Diffuser complex project( MUMIAS - H YOUNG)
6.      Boiler #7 (MUMIAS SUGAR- JHON THOMSON)
7.      Boiler refurbishment (SONY SUGAR- H YOUNG)
8.      Boiler refurbishment (CHEMELIL SUGAR - H YUONG)
9.      Castle Breweries Project (THIKA-CIVICON)
10.  Old refinery  (MOMBASA- CIVICON)
11.  Logistic handling (SOUTHERN SUDAN-CIVICON)
12.  Kibo Breweries (MWANSA-CIVICON)
13.  CGL,Pickling  line, AO plants, 6H mill etc. (MARIAKANI-MRM)
14.  CCL speed increase project (NAIROBI-MRM)


Bundu Engineering and Construction Company is a full Kenyan owned and registered with the Register of Companies in 4th September 1997

 The firm offers the following services;
  • Structural steel fabrication and installation
  • Building and civil works
  • Boiler refurbishment /maintenance
  • Underground services
  • Supply of manpower and construction material
  • Supply of Industrial hardware and materials.
  • General plant maintenance.
  • Handling major shutdown jobs.
  • Painting and isolation.
  • PVC   and FRP
  • Refractory and furnace handling.
  • Industrial piping and plumbing.
  • Hydraulic and instrumentation piping and tubing.
  • Hydraulic and Transformer Oil filtration 
  • Pipes and vessel pickling and cleaning
  • X-RAY, Mig, Arc, Tig and Gas welding